LS-DYNA Compact: Simulation of Fiber-Reinforced Plastics

Increasing requirements on stiffness and strength together with the need to reduce weight, lead to further developments of fiber reinforced composites within the last decades. Nowadays, those materials are used for structural relevant components of high-volume production applications. Therefore, it is necessary to develop procedures that allow quantifying the complex load carrying and failure as well as damage mechanisms of these materials with numerical simulations.

In the provided course series, we will discuss serveral aspects of modeling short, long and continuous fiber reinforced plastic materials with LS-DYNA, starting with a general discussion of the most important keywords, integration rule definition and pre- and postprocessing. The second course will cover material models commonly used for short and continuous fiber reinforced composite modeling in LS-DYNA. Focus is put on the
different failure criteria and post-failure handling. The third course will show possibilities to model delamination with either cohesive elements or tiebreak contacts in LS-DYNA.

The course will take place from 9-11 a.m. (CET) on three consecutive days.

Please note: The course will be held in Ansys Learning Hub. We will send the credentials shortly before the training.

Day 1:  Composites Modeling in LS-DYNA

  • Important Keywords
  • Integration Rule Definition
  • Pre- and Postprocessing with LSPP
  • Differences btw. SFRP & CFRP

Day 2: Composite Material Models in LS-DYNA

  • CFRP Material Models
  • SFRP Material Models

Day 3: Delamination ModelingCohesive Element Formulation

  • Cohesive material Models
  • Tiebreak Contacts


Dates Duration/days Calendar Registration Referee Language Location Fee
26.02.2025, 09:00 - 11:00 3 days Add to calendar Christian Liebold English Online 600 €
12.11.2025, 09:00 - 11:00 3 days Add to calendar Registration Christian Liebold English Online 600 €


Christian Liebold

Christian Liebold


Area of expertise:

Academic studies:
Aerospace engineering