kunststoffe + SIMULATION 2010
Congress kunststoffe + SIMULATION 2010 on 5th and 6th May in Munic, Germany. Main subject is the optimization of components by simulation.
Meet you at NAFEMS: Simulation of Connections and Joints in Structures
28 - 29 April 2010, Wiesbaden, Germany
Presentation at the Workshop: Simulation in Metal Forming
19 March 2010, Stuttgart
DYNAmore at the Automotive CAE Grand Challenge
30 - 31 March 2010, Hanau, Germany
GENESIS 11 Released
Design Studio v11.0 Release Notes
Genesis v11.0 Release Notes
Flyer Stanztechnik
Dummy Website Online
That page provides detailed information about the dummy models from DYNAmore.
European LS-DYNA Conference - Download Papers
The technical papers of the European LS-DYNA Conference in Salzburg, Mai 2009, are available for free download. Alternatively you may order a CD with all papers.
LS-DYNA and Intel Cluster Ready
Dr. Wayne Mindle (Livermore Software Technology Corp.) introduces the interaction of LS-DYNA and the new Intel Cluster Ready program.
DYNAlook updated - more papers available
Our website DYNAlook has been updated. Papers from the 10th International LS-DYNA Conference in Detroit are added. In total, the site provides more than 840 papers from previous European and International Conferences.
Updated Site on Pedestrian Impactor Models
The updatet releases of the two different developers are now online.
Seminar 2009 brochure available
Seminar Planner (German)
Optimization Infoday- Papers for download available
The papers of the event "Optimization, DOE STUDIES and ROBUSTNESS ANALYSIS - 2008" are available for free download. Features and capabilities of LS-OPT, D-SPEX and Genesis as well as general aspects of optimization are discussed.
New Barrier Model Released
Overview of the model
Office in Ingolstadt launched
DYNAmore opens new office in Ingolstadt in April.The engineers in Ingolstadt are dedicated to optimization and CAE data management. All interested parties are kindly invited to visit the new office in the center of Ingolstadt.
LS-DYNA Forum 2008 - Papers Online
Papers and images from the LS-DYNA Conference in Bamberg are online available.
Seminar Program 2008
In 2008 58 different classes and work shops on LS-DYNA and optimization are offered. To get information at a glance you are welcome at one of the free of charge info days. For current users we extended the opportunity to discuss with our staff your current simulation techniques at the support days.
German LS-DYNA Forum - October 2007
Papers are available.
DYNAlook updated - September 2007
The 100 papers presented at the 6th European Conference in Gothenburg in Mai '07 can now be downloaded.
LS-DYNA at Opel
Article on LS-DYNA at Opel (German)