Enjoyable Data Management - An Oxymoron?
One of the grad challenges of today is to provide simulation data and process management (SDM or SDPM), which can easily be integrated in the current IT infrastructure and can directly be accessed from the CAE tools. Many SDM ...
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2010 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Latest Developments in ANSA for Model Assembly and Loadcase Management based on LS-DYNA Include Files.
The research and development phase in the area of Crash and Safety simulations are interwoven by continuously increasing demands in various ways. First of all the number of the FE-elements used for the model discretization as well as ...
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2010 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Support of Data Preparation in Model Build Process for Crash Analysis
This talk gives a brief overview about the support of data preparation in model build process for crash analysis and discusses the motivation, challenges, engineering simulation cycle as well as the organization in simulation projects ...
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2010 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Overview of User Interfaces in LS-DYNA
The user-defined features in LS-DYNA are powerful tools that allow users in academia or industry to verify research results in the context of general and complicated finite element applications. Implementation work concerns only the ...
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2010 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Recent MPP Development to Improve Consistency
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2010 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
D3VIEW- Next Generation Web Software for Managing, Mining and Collaborating LS-DYNA Simulations
This talk presents D3VIEW, a web software that provides unparalleled user experience in managing and collaborating virtual product development data including LS-DYNA simulations, experimental data, material library and documents.
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2010 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Recent Developments on LSTC Barriers Models
This talk presents the recent developments on LSTC Barriers Models including topics about Honeycomb Structure and Adhesive Modeling, Validation and Integration into Vehicles.
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2010 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Computation of Fluid and/or Gas Filled Inflatable Dams
Inflatable dams are used worldwide as diversion structures, lock systems, tidal barriers and to rise the height of water reservoirs. At the moment there are very few and limited guidelines for dimensioning an inflatable dam. As a part ...
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2010 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Normengerechte Auslegung von Lichtmasten bei PKW-Kollision mit Hilfe numerischer Simulationen
Der derzeitig häufig versuchsorientierte Entwurf von Lichtmasten als Straßenrandbebauung und das Ermitteln der Insassensicherheitsstufe/Energieabsorptionskategorie ist durch die notwendige Anzahl von Versuchen zeitaufwändig und u.a. ...
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2010 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
A Pragmatic Strategy to Take into Account Metal Materials Scatter in FEA
Since years, FEA tools have allowed to reduce development time of products. Main improvements have been done in hardware and software leading to the possibility of finer mesh and complete models of complex structures. In parallel, ...
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2010 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum