9662 items matching your search terms.
Advanced results databases compression techniques to allow their efficient use in results data management systems
Located in
Tuesday, 16th October 2018
Simulation Data Managment II
Numerical Modeling of Single-Step Thermoforming of a Hybrid Metal/FRP Lightweight Structure
Located in
Tuesday, 16th October 2018
Process - Metal Forming III
Ermittlung und Optimierung von temperaturabhängigen Versagenskurven für hochfeste Aluminiumlegierungen im Hotforming-Prozess
Located in
Tuesday, 16th October 2018
Process - Metal Forming III
The Influence of Damage Accumulation on Failure Prediction: A Comparative Assessment of *MAT_224 and *MAT_024 + GISSMO for the Application in Non-Isothermal Sheet Metal Forming
Located in
Tuesday, 16th October 2018
Process - Metal Forming III
Benefits of Cloud-based Apps for Simulation: Pedestrian Safety
Located in
Tuesday, 16th October 2018
Pedestrian Safety
Benefits of Cloud-based Apps for Simulation: Pedestrian Safety
Located in
Tuesday, 16th October 2018
Pedestrian Safety
Comparison of Failure Stress Distributions in Automotive Windscreens by Experiment and Simulation
Located in
Tuesday, 16th October 2018
Pedestrian Safety
Recent developments for simulating pressure tube sensors in pedestrian crash
Located in
Tuesday, 16th October 2018
Pedestrian Safety
Herausforderungen der frühen virtuellen funktionalen Entwicklungsphase von Kunststoff- bauteilen in Low-Speed- und Fußgänger- schutzlastfällen
Located in
Tuesday, 16th October 2018
Pedestrian Safety
Ein „Non-Local“ Modellansatz für die Rissinitiierung an punktförmiger Fügetechnik ohne lokaler Netzanpassung
Located in
Tuesday, 16th October 2018
Crash - Punctual Connections