9662 items matching your search terms.
Direct Steady State Dynamic (SSD) Analysis with LS-DYNA
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Wednesday, 17th October 2018
Fatigue and NVH
Analyse der Korrelation zwischen dem Ermüdungsverhalten Remote-Lasergeschnittener Faserkunststoff- verbunde und der Prozessführung
Located in
Wednesday, 17th October 2018
Fatigue and NVH
Updated Fatigue Analysis with LS-DYNA
Located in
Wednesday, 17th October 2018
Fatigue and NVH
A Modifed In-Plane Constitutive Model for Paperboard
Located in
Wednesday, 17th October 2018
Materials - Orthotropic Plasticity, Damage, Failure
Nonlocal Damage and Failure Options in LS-DYNA
Located in
Wednesday, 17th October 2018
Materials - Orthotropic Plasticity, Damage, Failure
On the Development of a new Generalized Orthotropic Damage and Fracture Model
Located in
Wednesday, 17th October 2018
Materials - Orthotropic Plasticity, Damage, Failure
A Hosford-based Orthotropic Plasticity Model in LS-DYNA
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Wednesday, 17th October 2018
Materials - Orthotropic Plasticity, Damage, Failure
Optimierung der Newmark-Euler-Zeitintegrationsparameter für eine stabile und effiziente implizite Simulation rotierender elastischer Strukturen
Located in
Wednesday, 17th October 2018
Simulation - Isogeometric and FE Technology
A study on the new higher-order solid elements in LS-DYNA
Located in
Wednesday, 17th October 2018
Simulation - Isogeometric and FE Technology
Sheet metal forming simulation with IGA in LS-DYNA
Located in
Wednesday, 17th October 2018
Simulation - Isogeometric and FE Technology