From Rolling to Crash - Some Aspects of Process Chain Simulations
A simplified example from the metal sheet automotive body manufacturing process (Cold rolling – Deep-drawing – Crash) was considered as a basis of the through-process simulation. A simulation framework allowing construction of the process chains by putting together different simulation tools was proposed. Once the process chain is defined the through-process simulation may be performed along the whole process chain. Thus, parameter variations along the process chain are allowed and the effect of the processing parameters on the end product may virtually be determined “at the push of a button”.
From Rolling to Crash - Some Aspects of Process Chain Simulations
A simplified example from the metal sheet automotive body manufacturing process (Cold rolling – Deep-drawing – Crash) was considered as a basis of the through-process simulation. A simulation framework allowing construction of the process chains by putting together different simulation tools was proposed. Once the process chain is defined the through-process simulation may be performed along the whole process chain. Thus, parameter variations along the process chain are allowed and the effect of the processing parameters on the end product may virtually be determined “at the push of a button”.
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