Zur Versagensvorhersage von Silikon-Glas-Klebeverbindung mit LS-DYNA: Identifizierung von geeigneten Materialmodellen und -parametern
S. Brendler (Regierungspräsidium Tübingen), A. Haufe (DYNAmore) So far structural sealants for use in structural sealant glazing systems were dimensioned by simple hand formulas with a high, global safety factor. Hence the building authority has only allowed to realise rectangle sealant sections in typical civil engineering applications. The real stiffness and rigidity behaviour could neither be calculated nor simulated correctly with finite element calculations so far. The present papers shows examples where the hyperelastic material law „SIMPLIFIED_RUBBER“ in LS-DYNA is used to correctly predict the load-displacement behaviour of sealant characterizing test specimen. The great accuracy between experiments and computed results are unique in the construction industry and have not been delivered before by other codes or constitutive models. Therefore it is believed that the present investigations can lead to a more thorough understanding of the load carrying behaviour of structural glazing components. From there engineering models that will allow a safe and economic design of more complex glass-adhesive connections may be developed.
Zur Versagensvorhersage von Silikon-Glas-Klebeverbindung mit LS-DYNA: Identifizierung von geeigneten Materialmodellen und -parametern
S. Brendler (Regierungspräsidium Tübingen), A. Haufe (DYNAmore) So far structural sealants for use in structural sealant glazing systems were dimensioned by simple hand formulas with a high, global safety factor. Hence the building authority has only allowed to realise rectangle sealant sections in typical civil engineering applications. The real stiffness and rigidity behaviour could neither be calculated nor simulated correctly with finite element calculations so far. The present papers shows examples where the hyperelastic material law „SIMPLIFIED_RUBBER“ in LS-DYNA is used to correctly predict the load-displacement behaviour of sealant characterizing test specimen. The great accuracy between experiments and computed results are unique in the construction industry and have not been delivered before by other codes or constitutive models. Therefore it is believed that the present investigations can lead to a more thorough understanding of the load carrying behaviour of structural glazing components. From there engineering models that will allow a safe and economic design of more complex glass-adhesive connections may be developed.