Numerical simulation of the ice-structure interaction in LS-DYNA
Design of offshore structures in Arctic waters is strongly dependent on local and global ice loads. These loadings are, in general, contact forces transmitted to the structures during interaction with ice floes, ice ridges or ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Process development for multi-disciplinary spot weld optimization with CAx-LoCo, LS-OPT and ANSA
The number of connection entities in modern car constructions is growing continuously. From that point of view, the identification of the most suitable structural behaviour of various car body configurations with respect to the number ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Failure modeling of a self piercing riveted joint using LS-DYNA
Besides the basic product requirements, the aspect of energy efficiency is in the center of automobile engineering. A mixture of different light weight materials like aluminium and higher strength steels, called multi-material mix, is ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Phenomenological driven modeling of joints
In the construction of automobiles different technologies are used to join sheets. Today the most common method for connections is resistant spot welding. There are thousands of spot welds in body-in-whites, which are determining the ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Development of an improved screw model at Faurecia
Some years ago Faurecia used a very simple screw model. In this model the screw holes are filled by a rigid body and the screw shaft is modeld by a simple spring beam with an unrealistic stiffness. But this model doesn’t represent the ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Crashworthiness of an electric prototype vehicle series
The Shell Eco-marathon (SEM) is a challenge for student teams to develop energy-efficient vehicles and demonstrate the fuel efficiency of their prototypes. In Europe, this takes place at the Lausitz Ring in Germany. Since 2009, the ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Finite element dynamic simulation of whole rallying car structure: Towards better understanding of structural dynamics during side impacts
Side impact accidents against a tree or pole remain the most dangerous accident scenarios in rally cars. Statistical data shows that 52% of the fatalities between 2004 and 2009 concern crashes against a rigid pole by the track sides, ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Roof crush resistance and rollover strength of a paratransit bus
Paratransit buses constitute a special group of vehicles in the US due to their smaller size, two-step assembly process, and their use for complementary services to the regular scheduled transit routes. Due to their uniqueness these ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Using CAE to evaluate a structural foam design for increasing roof strengh
In recent years, there has been increased discussion of the strength of vehicle roofs in rollover crashes. NHTSA recently revised the federal roof strength requirement and the IIHS has published an even more stringent roof strength ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
New Developments on Identification of Material and System Parameters with LS-OPT
This talk introduces into the topic of the new developments on Identification of Material and System Parameters with LS-OPT. It presents current ordinate-based curve matching metric as an example as well as discusses the motivation ...
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2011 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
2011 Entwicklerforum