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In order to run this new version, user need to return Host ID to Cathie for license file. Host ID can be obtained by running the application (df42 or eta_lsrv for server version), the machine ID will be provided as " This host ID is ******** ". Here is the installation procedures: For node lock installation: 1. Tar off the DYNAFORM tar file with the matching OS system. . 2. Get the Host ID and E-mail to Cathie. Please mention this is for DF4.0 released in November 2002 . 3. Replace the default eta.lic file with new license file from Cathie. 4. Edit the base path inside the file "df40". 5. Run DYNAFORM by type "df40". For server installation: 1. Extract the DYNAFORM tar file with the matching OS system. 2. Extract the server package tar file from the same directory where the DYNAFORM tar file extracted. 3. Go to the right OS directory. For example for SUN machine: ~ DYNAFORMInstall/SunOS. 4. Get the Host ID for the server machine (Run eta_lsrv file). E-mail the Host ID to Cathie at <>, Please mention to Cathie that you need the license for DYNAFORM 4.0 with the new server system. 5. After received the license file (eta.lic), replace the old eta.lic with this new eta.lic. 6. On Server Machine, open eta.lic with a text editor, following the instruction for server version: remove the comment sign(!) before the server line, and a. Replace "SERVER_HOST" with the actual host name of the server machine. For example: sun8. b. Use a port number which is not being used for other applications, default is "12345" . c. Run eta_lsrv. 7. On client machine, install the .tar which matches the client machine OS system, open the default eta.lic file, put in the server machine hostname (same as in 6a above) and the port number (same as in 6b above). 8. Open file df40, edit the base path with right path for your local machine. 9. Run DYNAFORM by typing "df42". Should you have any problem, please feel free to contact ETA Dynaform support. Jeanne He 2003