Nonlinear Implicit Analyses

The implicit solver of LS-DYNA is well suited to handle many challenging applications, thereby coping with large deformations, difficult contact situation and material nonlinearities. With respect to the latter, there are many advanced material models available that are suitable for both explicit and implicit analysis. Moreover, the scalability on many CPU cores is very good, which allows for the treatment of large scale problems.

The goal of this one-day seminar is to present a brief, practical introduction to the implicit capabilities in LS-DYNA with a focus on nonlinear structural analysis. The course is suited for users with some previous experience from using LS-DYNA, or for experienced users of other implicit FE-programs.



  • Introduction on when to use the implicit solver
  • Differences to explicit time integration
  • Switching between implicit and explicit integration
  • Material models and elements suitable for implicit analysis
  • Loads, boundary conditions and constraints
  • Contact definitions, tips and tricks
  • Implicit nonlinear static analyses
  • Implicit nonlinear dynamics
  • Troubleshooting convergence problems
  • Output format and output files
  • Selected exercises throughout the course


We strongly recommend LS-DYNA novices prior attendance of the seminar “Introduction to LS-DYNA”. Beginners of numerical simulation we additionally recommend the attendance of the seminar “Introduction to LS-PrePost”.

Date 17.02.2025 - 17.02.2025 (1 day)
Time 09:00 - 17:00
Lecturers Christoph Schmied
Location Stuttgart (GER)
Languages English
Standard (525 € + VAT)
Employee of University (262 € + VAT)
Student (50 € + VAT)
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